
Ad Overlay Anything - Easy advertising on videos, images or text

Ad Overlay Anything - Easy advertising on videos, images or text

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What is it?

Ad Overlay Anything can show your ads on top of anything, including embedded videos, images, or blocks of text. Increase your ad exposure and site revenue by placing relevant ads directly over your most important content! You may use Ad Overlay Anything as a WordPress plugin or include it directly in your own web pages without WordPress.

How will it help your site?

Ads are not effective unless they are seen, right? If your website visitors aren’t seeing the advertisements you are placing then you are missing out on potential sales and income.

Ad Overlay Anything allows you to place ads directly where your visitors are going to be looking, thereby boosting your ad views and click through ratios. This can be videos from YouTube, images from Flickr, important text your visitors are looking for … anything!

It also allows you to tailor your advertisements and tie them to particular pieces of content. If a visitor to your website is viewing certain content, for example, then they are more likely to be interested in products or services relating to that content. Tailoring your advertisements this way allows you to drastically increase your conversion rates and truly make the most out of your advertising space.

You can set up Ad Overlay Anything to automatically work on all videos, for example, or use shortcodes for specific ad placements.

WordPress demo video on YouTube

Click here for some live WordPress examples.

Ad Overlay Anything Changelog


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