
GoStock - Free and Premium Stock Photos Script

GoStock - Free and Premium Stock Photos Script

Cart 752 sales
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GoStock – Free and Premium Stock Photos Script It is a platform to share stock photos free and premium of high quality, users will be able to upload their photos to share with the whole community and visitors, and may receive donations through PayPal. In addition users will be able to give you like, comment, share and add to collections your favorite photos.

  • Simply create an account to view the Admin Panel Try now!
  • Features are disabled in Panel Admin
  • Features:

  • Built with Laravel 10
  • Subscription System
  • Stripe Connect
  • PWA
  • Referrals
  • Storage (Local, Amazon, DigitalOcean, Wasabi, Vultr)
  • 2FA authentication
  • Taxes
  • Invoices for payments made
  • Bootstrap
  • Facebook, Twitter and Google Login
  • Follow / Unfollow system
  • Like in Photos
  • Collections of Photos
  • Categories
  • Notifications Real-time
  • Latest, Featured, Popular, Most Commented, Most Viewed, Most Downloads sections
  • Photo search
  • Download photos in different size
  • Search for photos by colors and cameras
  • Members can upload unlimited photos
  • Updates photos
  • Option Delete Account
  • Members can change their name, email and password
  • Upload Avatar
  • Upload Cover
  • Change password
  • Donations through PayPal for members
  • XSS: Protection from cross site scripting
  • Secure Bcrypt password hashing
  • SMTP Support
  • Share social
  • Easy translation
  • Ajax pagination in Photos and Comments
  • Comment system
  • Like in comments
  • Feed section (Posts by users you follow)
  • Admin Features:

  • Create/Edit Plans
  • Manage Subscriptions
  • Create taxes
  • Maintenance mode
  • Manage roles and permissions
  • Change the site name
  • Change the site title welcome
  • Manage General Settings and Limits
  • Statistics
  • Set keywords for the site. (SEO)
  • Add a description (SEO)
  • Create/Edit pages e.g.: Help, Privacy, etc.
  • Manage Categories
  • Manage Photos
  • Manage Members.
  • Manage Members, Photos Reported
  • Set up social accounts
  • Manage Google Adsense, Google Analytics
  • Among other functions…
  • Requirements:

  • PHP >= 8.2
  • MySQL 5.7 or Mariadb 10.3.17
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • cURL PHP Extension
  • DOM PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • Filter PHP Extension
  • Hash PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PCRE PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Session PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • GD or Imagick
  • EXIF
  • allow_url_fopen (PHP.INI) is ON

  • Important: All images used in this demo are solely and exclusively from their owners and they are not included in the script

  • Bulk Upload (Not included, sold separately)
  • Mollie Payment (Not included, sold separately)
  • Razorpay Payment (Not included, sold separately)
  • Instamojo Payment (Not included, sold separately)
  • Paystack Payment (Not included, sold separately)
  • Coinpayments (Not included, sold separately)
  • Change Log / Updates

    Update 5.4 // 11 July 2024

  • [New] Updated to Laravel v10.48.16
  • [New] Get avatar large social login with Google

  • [Bug Fix] Installer error
  • [Bug Fix] Version PHP on Installer
  • [Bug Fix] Hover button login with Twitter
  • [Bug Fix] Rebill subscriptions with Wallet
  • [Bug Fix] Login social authorized to upload photos

  • Update 5.3 // 07 May 2024

  • [New] Updated to Laravel v10.48.10
  • [New] Updated to Bootstrap 5.3.3

  • [Bug Fix] Removed white spaces in titles (SEO)
  • [Bug Fix] Sending email to seller on new sale
  • [Bug Fix] Error currency on Razorpay
  • [Bug Fix] Cancel subscription with Wallet
  • [Bug Fix] Sitemaps media
  • [Bug Fix] View Service Provider error

  • Update 5.2 // 13 January 2024

  • [New] Updated to Laravel v10.40.0
  • [New] Sitemaps only the images
  • [New] Updated to JQuery v3.7.1
  • [New] Support for all zero-decimal currencies (Stripe)
  • [New] Tag Alt on images
  • [New] Link to Homepage from error 404

  • [Bug Fix] Unmatched error on 503 page
  • [Bug Fix] Button “View” on withdrawals on dark mode
  • [Bug Fix] Banner cookies policy on light mode
  • [Bug Fix] Suscription error Stripe on Admin Panel
  • [Bug Fix] Suscription renewal on PayPal
  • [Bug Fix] How can use photo edit error
  • [Bug Fix] Subcategories show all edit image
  • [Bug Fix] Sort search error
  • [Bug Fix] Sending email to user New Sale
  • [Bug Fix] Edit image on categories
  • [Bug Fix] Search sort with oldest
  • [Bug Fix] Subcategories edit on Admin Panel

  • Update 5.1 // 05 October 2023

  • [New] Updated to Laravel v10.26.2
  • [New] Updated to Bootstrap v5.3.2
  • [New] Updated to Bootstrap Icons v1.11.1
  • [New] Subcategories on Sitemaps
  • [New] Added Terms link on register page
  • [New] New Twitter X icon

  • [Bug Fix] Mobile navigation in dark mode
  • [Bug Fix] Button “View” on withdrawals on dark mode
  • [Bug Fix] Modal “Give thanks” on dark mode
  • [Bug Fix] Color input focus in search bar on dark mode
  • [Bug Fix] Undefined constant STDIN error with Artisan::call during a request

  • Update // 23 September 2023

  • [New] Updated to Laravel 10

  • Update 5.0 // 05 September 2023

  • [New] Change Dark/Light Mode in offline session
  • [New] Translation of subcategories
  • [New] Description and keywords (SEO) on categories and subcategories
  • [New] Admin can choose default theme color

  • [Bug Fix] Dark mode in some browsers
  • [Bug Fix] Favicon in maintenance mode
  • [Bug Fix] Select category on Upload
  • [Bug Fix] Text color in footer (Dark mode)

  • Update 4.9 // 27 August 2023

  • [New] Optimized SQL queries
  • [New] PayPal Subscriptions
  • [New] Push Notifications
  • [New] Updated Bootstrap 5.3.1
  • [New] Dark Mode on Frontend and Panel Admin
  • [New] Subcategories
  • [New] Bank Transfer (Offline)
  • [New] Section Vectors
  • [New] Section Tags
  • [New] Delete log file from Panel Admin
  • [New] Change route languages (required for Laravel 10)
  • [New] Captcha package compatible with Laravel 10
  • [New] Updated JQuery 3.7.0
  • [New] Admin can see purchase invoices from Panel Admin
  • [New] Admin can see deposit invoices from Panel Admin
  • [New] ZIP files on vectors upload
  • [New] Email is sent to user when selling a photo
  • [New] Share profile user
  • [New] Email is sent to admin when there is a pending deposit
  • [New] Email is sent to the user when the deposit is confirmed or rejected
  • [New] Total photos pending, withdrawn, reports in Panel Admin sidebar
  • [New] The cache and view are cleared when updating PWA images
  • [New] PWA images are displayed in Panel Admin
  • [New] Updated Bootstrap Icons 1.10.5

  • Update 4.8 // 01 February 2023

  • [New] Pricing Formula for Extended License
  • [New] Increased limit of photos to show (80, 100, 120)
  • [New] Edit description image from Panel Admin
  • [New] Show Announcements to all or members only.
  • [New] Sort searches by latest or oldest
  • [New] Add IP to email Contact-us

  • [Bug Fix] Missing button 2FA on account user
  • [Bug Fix] Cancel suscription with Wallet [IMPORTANT]

  • Update 4.7 // 24 September 2022

  • [Bug Fix] Verification of Payment on PayPal [IMPORTANT]
  • [Bug Fix] Bad redirection when logging in from an external URL
  • [Bug Fix] Timeago Js error (Missing file)
  • [Bug Fix] Image categories default
  • [Bug Fix] Image cover home page default

  • Update 4.6 // 16 September 2022

  • [New] Spanish Language
  • [New] Improved Plans/Pricing section
  • [New] Edit tags photo on Panel Admin
  • [New] Photo ID on details photo
  • [New] From 1% to 50% in referral commission
  • [New] Admin can edit balance and funds
  • [New] Enabled/disable PWA in Panel Admin
  • [New] Page error 404
  • [New] Page error 500
  • [New] Collection detail + Pages in Sitemap
  • [New] Improved PayPal payments
  • [New] Popular plan by Admin

  • [Bug Fix] Approve photos (Error 404)
  • [Bug Fix] Announcements cookies not defined in off-session
  • [Bug Fix] Delete Role Super Admin
  • [Bug Fix] Install App Js error

  • Update 4.5 // 15 July 2022

  • [New] Clear cache from Panel Admin > Maintenance
  • [New] Date take original photo
  • [New] Custom CSS/JS
  • [New] Announcements
  • [New] Latest and Featured on Homepage
  • [New] Type account on section members (Super Admin, Normal)

  • [Bug Fix] Latest 30 days chart on Dashboard user
  • [Bug Fix] Overflow title on Recent photos Dashboard Admin
  • [Bug Fix] Pagination overflow on Panel Admin
  • [Bug Fix] Rebill with Wallet

  • Update 4.4 // 30 March 2022

  • [New] Extract IPTC data on image upload
  • [New] Add button “Install Web App” on footer
  • [New] Removed default exclusive author on registries
  • [New] Hidden exclusive author badge when who can sell is only for Admin
  • [New] Give access to Bulk Upload (Roles and permissions)
  • [New] Tags h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 on Pages section (Panel Admin)
  • [New] Support files CDR on Vector upload
  • [New] Enable/Disable Cookie policy banner from Panel Admin
  • [New] The user can remove comments on his photos from other people

  • [Bug Fix] Slug url adding pages multilanguage
  • [Bug Fix] Multilanguage section categories
  • [Bug Fix] Formatting numbers in payments
  • [Bug Fix] Save Apply tax on wallet (Panel Admin)
  • [Bug Fix] Button upload missing when only admin can upload
  • [Bug Fix] Edit image with maximum tags via IPTC

  • Update 4.3 // 22 March 2022

  • [New] Enable/Disable Referral system
  • [New] Enable/Disable Comment system
  • [New] Search photos on Panel Admin
  • [New] Multilanguage site title

  • [Bug Fix] Global price on Stripe Payments
  • [Bug Fix] Dropdown language not visible on mobile
  • [Bug Fix] Upload error with watermark
  • [Bug Fix] Login social
  • [Bug Fix] Adding new language

  • Update 4.2 // 20 March 2022

  • [New] Admin can set global price on premium photos
  • [New] Stripe Checkout on Wallet and buy photos
  • [New] Menu mobile
  • [New] Blog link external
  • [New] Enable/disable tax rates in Wallet
  • [New] Icons premium on images
  • [New] Theme color on navbar mobile
  • [New] Daily free downloads from 2
  • [New] Manage collections from Panel Admin

  • [Bug Fix] Adding collections
  • [Bug Fix] Validate limit tags in edit photo
  • [Bug Fix] Tags length min 2 characters
  • [Bug Fix] Error 404 on Downloads when sell option is off
  • [Bug Fix] Removed Dashboard, My purchases, Sales, etc when sell option is off
  • [Bug Fix] Color extract PHP 8
  • [Bug Fix] Bulk upload data exif
  • [Bug Fix] Upload error getting file weight

  • Update 4.1 // 01 March 2022

  • [New] Updated to Laravel 8.83.2
  • [New] Watermark on images in collections

  • [Bug Fix] Limit of tags
  • [Bug Fix] Center section index on mobile
  • [Bug Fix] Language on maintenance mode
  • [Bug Fix] Purchase section when delete photo
  • [Bug Fix]Download premium without daily download limit on plan
  • [Bug Fix]Installer

  • Update 4.0 // 23 Feb 2022

  • [New] Updated to Laravel 8
  • [New] Subscription System
  • [New] Stripe Connect
  • [New] PWA
  • [New] Referrals
  • [New] 2FA authentication
  • [New] Taxes
  • [New] Invoices for payments made
  • [New] Storage Vultr
  • [New] Google Login
  • [New] Improved Admin Panel
  • [New] Roles and permissions

  • [Bug Fix] Delete collections
  • [Bug Fix] Popular photos
  • [Bug Fix] Orientation image
  • [Bug Fix] among other errors.

  • Update 3.9 // 20 May 2020

  • [Bug Fix] [Important] Thumbnails
  • [Bug Fix] Daily download limit
  • [Bug Fix] Free photos options
  • [Bug Fix] Limit length title on Panel Admin

  • Update 3.8 // 16 May 2020

  • [New] Page Downloads on Dashboard user
  • [New] Filters (All time, Today, This Week, This Month, This Year)
  • [New] Disable Lightbox from Panel Admin
  • [New] Logo, Favicon and images inserted in the database, the user can change all the default images from the Panel Admin
  • [New] Dynamic watermark is updated in the images if the Admin changes the watermark image.
  • [New] Slug for tags
  • [New] Removed watermark on thumbnail (Reduced size)

  • [Bug Fix]Panel settings saved
  • [Bug Fix]Register
  • [Bug Fix]Statics on Panel Admin and Dashboard
  • [Bug Fix]Collections

  • Update 3.7 // 11 May 2020

  • [New] Increased upload limit
  • [New] Increased numbers tags characters
  • [New] Increased numbers similar photos
  • [New] Increased fee commission Admin until 95%
  • [New] Exclusive Author / Non-exclusive author
  • [New] Who can sell (All members, Only Admin)
  • [New] Who can upload (All members, Only Admin)
  • [New] Allow free photos (Yes or No)
  • [New] Manage Show counters on the homepage from Panel Admin
  • [New] Manage Show categories on the homepage from Panel Admin

  • [Removed] Link Premium on nav bar explore when sell option is OFF

  • [Bug Fix] Free photos upload
  • [Bug Fix] Format bytes PHP 7.4
  • [Bug Fix] Avatar Storage in Notifications
  • [Bug Fix] Withdrawals send email

  • Update 3.6 // 25 April 2020

  • [Bug Fix] Price null on Bulk Upload
  • [Bug Fix] Collections views
  • [Bug Fix] Invalid integer with JPY currency in Stripe

  • Update 3.5 // 20 April 2020

  • [New] Contact page
  • [New] Admin can set limit photo title
  • [New] Increased limit of tags in admin panel

  • [Bug Fix] Decimal format with JPY currency in Stripe

  • Update 3.4 // 17 April 2020

  • [New] Cloud storage (Amazon S3, DigitalOcean and Wasabi)
  • [New] Image viewer (Lightbox) especially for mobile devices.

  • [Bug Fix] Bug following users
  • [Bug Fix] URL Ajax Pagination
  • [Bug Fix] Bug with tags

  • Update 3.3 // 30 March 2020

  • [New] Updated to Laravel 6.18.3
  • [New] Licenses (Regular and Extended)
  • [New] Revenue statistics of the month in Panel Admin
  • [New] Decimal format
  • [New] Script version in Panel Admin

  • [Bug Fix] Popular categories in index when you have 0
  • [Bug Fix] Downloading photos premium own
  • [Bug Fix] Buying small photos

  • Update 3.2 // 11 March 2020

  • [New] Updated to Laravel 6.18
  • [New] Price formats: Different prices for each resolution
  • [New] Popular categories on Homepage
  • [Bug Fix] Compatibility with PHP 7.4 (Syntax with curly braces)
  • [Removed] ZIP code Stripe payment

  • Update 3.1 // 28 February 2020

  • [Bug Fix] Collection error when user is suspended
  • [Bug Fix] Error with unavailable packages
  • [Bug Fix] Language emails
  • [Bug Fix] Password reset template
  • [Missing] Folder Notifications
  • [Missing] Watermark on thumbnail images ajax pagination

  • Update 3.0 // 13 February 2020

  • [NEW] Progress bar, in upload image
  • [Bug Fix] Error with Laravel 6 update
  • [Bug Fix] Google Analytics code position
  • [Changed] Watermark in thumbnails, it will now be shown if the admin is activated
  • [Improved] Translations in emails

  • Update 2.9 // 6 February 2020

  • [NEW] Updated to Laravel 6

  • Update 2.8 // 30 November 2019

  • [NEW] Support to files SVG
  • [NEW] Included Javascript General in Dashboard user.

  • [Bug Fix] Uploading vectors, validating mime in different PHP versions.
  • [Bug Fix] Text in Dashboard user.

  • Update 2.7 // 14 November 2019

  • [NEW] Option to upload vectors (AI, EPS, PSD)
  • [NEW] reCAPTCHA to Login and Register.
  • [NEW] The Admin can choose which photos to show on the main page: Latest, featured or both.
  • [NEW] Enable or disable watermark from Admin panel.

  • [Bug Fix] Show Name instead of username in Ajax Pagination in page Members.
  • [Bug Fix] Exception missing error when uploading larger images to server support.

  • Update 2.6 // 16 October 2019

  • [NEW] Support for Mollie Payment.
  • [NEW] Background colors in photos thumbnail.
  • [NEW] Full size photo in Collection photo detail

  • [Bug Fix] Error 500 in Panel Admin

  • [Removed] Captcha in free photos, if the option is enabled who can download “Only registered users”

  • Update 2.5 // 12 October 2019

  • [NEW] [Important] Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) in stripe for customers with business in Europe.
  • [NEW] Admin can enter your currency directly in Panel Admin.
  • [NEW] reCAPTCHA when unregistered users download photos
  • [Bug Fix] Collection View
  • [Bug Fix] Upload photo with Sell option off
  • [Bug Fix] Delete photo

  • Update 2.4 // 15 September 2019

  • [NEW] Updated to Laravel 5.8

  • Update 2.3 // 11 September 2019

  • [Bug Fix] Adding funds in PayPal [Important]

  • [New] Edit photo for sale (Switch from free to Premium)
  • [New] Add revenue statistics (Today, week, month)
  • [New] Turn on/off sell option
  • [New] Add IP, balance, and funds user on Panel Admin

  • [Changed] Thumbnails without watermark

  • Update 2.2 // 14 May 2019

  • [Bug Fix] Rounding amount Stripe
  • [Bug Fix] Limit title on Panel Admin
  • [Bug Fix] Edit photo free ‘Price required’

  • [New] Size the thumbnail of photos

  • Update 2.1 // 09 May 2019

  • [Bug Fix] User Registration
  • [Bug Fix] Problem Controller Bulk Upload

  • [Improved] Error handling photo upload

  • Update 2.0 // 07 May 2019

  • [Bug Fix] Bug Search
  • [Bug Fix] Tags title on Page
  • [Bug Fix] Bug cache download files

  • [Improved] Handle errors on Upload Avatar and Cover
  • [Improved] Username when Login/Register with Social Login
  • [Improved] Search Engine

  • [NEW] Sell Photo Option
  • [NEW] Banner Cooke Policy
  • [NEW] Auto Detect Language by user browser
  • [NEW] Limited numbers of links on pagination
  • [NEW] Increment length the title photo

  • [Removed] Google Plus Social share and profiles

  • [Changed] Set min chars tags to 3
  • [Changed] Search Engine as it was previously
  • [Changed] Language link to Footer

  • Update 1.9 // 14 December 2018

  • [Bug Fix] Editing image in Panel Admin special characters
  • [Bug Fix] Update user from Panel Admin
  • [Bug Fix] User suspended profile visible

  • [NEW] Updated to Laravel 5.7.16
  • [NEW] Translated string “Twitter Login” in Panel Admin
  • [NEW] Translated string “Search”

  • Update 1.8 // 05 December 2018

  • [Bug Fix] Social login with session active
  • [Bug Fix] Custom message image validation
  • [Bug Fix] Share Facebook – Image not showing

  • [Changed] View last members in Panel Admin
  • [Changed] Full title in share social
  • [Changed] Avatar size obtained from Social Login

  • [NEW] Current year in template email verify
  • [NEW] HTTPS to Google Fonts in Panel Admin

  • Update 1.7 // 30 November 2018

  • [Bug Fix] Delete photos missing model
  • [Bug Fix] Social Facebook login
  • [Bug Fix] Characters in links pagination

  • [NEW] Support PNG image transparency
  • [NEW] Twitter Login
  • [NEW] Updated to Laravel 5.7.15
  • [NEW] Get avatar the user Facebook or Twitter

  • Update 1.6 // 29 November 2018

  • [Bug Fix] Downloads photos
  • [Bug Fix] Redirect url after login
  • [Bug Fix] Name of user in comments
  • [Bug Fix] Updating data, validation
  • [Bug Fix] Search with hashtag

  • [NEW] Added Multilanguage
  • [NEW] Instagram profile
  • [NEW] Implemented GDPR

  • [Changed] Show user name in page notifications

  • Update 1.5 // 16 November 2018

  • [Bug Fix] Social Login
  • [Bug Fix] Removing photos
  • [Bug Fix] HTML characters in comments

  • [NEW] Upgrade to Laravel 5.7
  • [NEW] MustVerifyEmail in User model
  • [NEW] Added search form on the search page

  • [Changed] Validation images dimensions

  • Update 1.4.1 // 17 August 2018

  • [Bug Fix] Search in Home (Index)
  • [Bug Fix] Edit user from Panel Admin
  • [Bug Fix] Collections Private
  • [Bug Fix] Social Login (Facebook)

  • [NEW] Animate Text Index

  • Update 1.4 // 28 April 2018

  • [Bug Fix] Click remember button
  • [Bug Fix] Delete user Collections
  • [Bug Fix] Categories nonexistent (url)
  • [Bug Fix] Verification email alert
  • [Bug Fix] Unverified user can not post
  • [Bug Fix] Return to the previous url after login

  • [IMPROVED] Social Login
  • [IMPROVED] Motor Search
  • [IMPROVED] Password Reset

  • Update 1.3 // 29 May 2017

  • [Bug Fix] Add photos in Collections
  • [Bug Fix] Order size the photos
  • [Bug Fix] Manage error Facebook Login
  • [Bug Fix] Edit website user from Admin
  • [Bug Fix] Filter members location
  • [Bug Fix] Delete Photos on Collections
  • [Bug Fix] Auto Approve photos error
  • [Bug Fix] Corrected confusion of dimensions and size in uploading photos
  • [Bug Fix] CSS error on list users on mobile devices

  • [NEW] Add options 15,20,30,40,50MB
  • [NEW] Add new resolutions 1024×768 and 1280×720
  • [NEW] Improved SEO title and description of photo
  • [NEW] User name is displayed if it exists instead of username
  • [NEW] Added block for Google AdSense on homepage

  • Update 1.2.1 // 19 May 2017

  • [Bug Fix] Facebook Login
  • [Bug Fix] Pending images show in similar photos
  • [Bug Fix] Delete user
  • [NEW] Improved Facebook errors Login
  • [NEW] Added Https to Google Fonts

  • Update 1.2 // 19 March 2017

  • [Bug Fix] Support HTTPS Google Fonts
  • [Bug Fix] Date in Sitemaps
  • [Bug Fix] Password Reset bug
  • [Bug Fix] Showing image of category
  • [Bug Fix] Error showing photos pending in some sections

  • Update 1.1 // 13 February 2017

  • [Bug Fix] Photos redirection
  • [Bug Fix] Count Members in Page Members
  • [Bug Fix] Count Likes in Admin Panel
  • [Bug Fix] Removed Social Share in Photos pending
  • [Bug Fix] Verify Email
  • [Bug Fix] Download image all users
  • [NEW] Sitemaps –
  • [NEW] Get name from Facebook
  • by

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