- Will give almost all the details required for Fintech application which like Authentication, Home (Services, Paybill , Insurance Plan , Mobile Recharge, Transfer Money),Insurance, Investments, Notifications, Loan and Credits, My Cards, Statistics,Transactions,Transfer Money, Reviews, Settings
- Everything was made with a detail-oriented style and follows today’s App Design trends.
- Clean coded & layers are well-organized, carefully named, and grouped.
- Easy customization of text, colors, graphics, and photos.
- 100% free fonts, perfect pixel (high-quality design), and very clean and cool UI. Free updates.
Fintech App Flutter UI Kit Features:
- Supported on mobile Android and iPhone
- Dart Language
- UI/UX design from industry experts
- Beautiful and professional looking design
- Smooth Transition Effects
- Font Awesome & Material Icons
- Multiple Font Selection
- Multiple Primary Colors Selection
- Mobile and Tablet Support
- Responsive design for all devices
- Animation Controller
- Complete Mediation App module
- Authentication:
- On Board Screen
- Sign In Screen
- Reset Password Screen
- Sign Up Screen
- Select Country Screen
- Select Services Screen
- Home Screens:
- Send Money Screen
- Paybill Services Screen
- Recharge Services Screen
- Insurance Plans Screen
- Transactions Screen
- Notifications Screen
- Transactions Screens:
- Transactions Details Screen
- Transactions History Screen
- Add Transactions Screen
- Deposits Screens:
- Current Deposits Screen
- Current Money Screen
- Investments Screens:
- Portfolio Screen
- Performance Screen
- Buy and Sell Screen
- Robo Advisor Screen
- Loan Screens:
- Active Loan Screen
- Payment History Screen
- My Cards Screens:
- My Cards Screen
- Add Cards Screen
- Savings Screens:
- Saving Account Screen
- Interest Earned Screen
- Activity Screens:
- Activity Screen
- Messages Screens:
- Direct Message Screen
- All Conversations Screen
- No Messages Screen
- Create New Message Screen
- Archieved Screen
- Profile Screens:
- User Information Screen
- Bank Cards Screen
- Automated Payment Screen
- Subscription Screen
- Settings Screen
- Reviews Screens:
- Write A Reviews Screen
- Submit Reviews Screen
- Settings Screens:
- Notifications Screen
- Privacy Policy Screen
- Terms Of Service Screen
- FAQS Screen
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Watch the video demo a app from here
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Download the demo apk app from here
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