
BootCommerce - ECommerce Twitter Bootstrap Based

BootCommerce - ECommerce Twitter Bootstrap Based

Cart 824 sales

E-commerce solution based on twitter bootstrap,perfect for any kind of shops.
A complete “Control Panel” to manage Products, Categories, Orders,Clients and many system options


  • PHP 5.3.x or later
  • MySQL 5.x or later
  • cURL library
  • GD library
  • FOPEN function activated
  • SSL module
  • Hosting Linux

Live Demo

Changelog Legend:
[+] = Added
[°] = Changed
[!] = Bugs

Update v3.2.1 – 05 July 14

  • [!] server side control saving order
  • [!] fixed problem with messages of payments when a new line starts
  • [x] tax code for private and guest clients (back and front-office)
  • [°] README_TO_UPDATE.txt file updated

Update v3.2.0 – 4 January 14

  • [!] Pay Pal IPN problem on ammount with decimals
  • [!] minor bugs into functions file

Update v3.1.2 – 20 December 13

  • [!] wrong Count products for each category on the left sidebar
  • [!] Show error in catalog if products are hidden
  • [!] function to add data to database (for accents problem in the products and categories names)

Update v3.1.0 – 13 December 13

  • [+] Multi Taxes plugin
    This plugin allows you to have more than a tax on every product
    price widthout taxes $100.00
     1° tax GTS = 5% -> (100 x 5%) = $5.00
     2° tax QST = 9.975% -> (100 x 9.975%) = $9.98
     final price = (100+5+9.98) -> $114.98

Update v3.0.0 – 10 December 13

  • [°] Simplified installation wizard
  • [!] Adding Products and Categories with special chars
  • [+] tinyMCE editor for products description
  • [°] Improvments on products duplication function
  • [+] Three types of registration client (Immediate,Activation by email,Approval by the administrator)
  • [+] Choose of the currency position
  • [+] Procuct visible/not function
  • [+] Product in showcase (Homepage)
  • [°] Improvements on products list, added more information
  • [°] Zipcode and Phone fields (now allow letter too not only numbers)
  • [+] Upload Logo
  • [+] Slideshow Manager
  • [°] Improvements on calcs for decimal price
  • [+] Plugins platform

Update v2.0.4 – 11 November 13





Update v2.0.3 – 5 November 13 (ADDITIONS)

  • added choice for price including taxes or without them into admin (product sheet)

Update v2.0.2 – 30 October 13 (FIXES)

  • currency problem into tooltip of price filter slider
  • links problem on carousel for chrome mobile browser

Update v2.0.1 – 22 October 13

  • check-out step by step form for firefox fixed
  • js for map on contact form in firefox fixed
  • paypal currency problem fixed
  • last step height,with address, into check out form fixed
  • deleted imageantialias functions when an image was uploaded because some servers not support it

Update v2.0.0 – 13 October 13

  • Front-end

    • Choose language
    • Availables default Languages: IT_it,en_US
    • Captcha into forms
    • Purchases method like Guest added
    • categories SEO friendly (meta description and meta keywords for each category)

  • Back-end

    • Choose language
    • Availables default Languages: IT_it,en_US
    • Open/Close shop option added
    • SEO action on the other pages (choose general meta-description and meta-keywords)
    • Google Analytics code added
    • Choose email sed method (with or without smtp)
    • Duplicate a product for a fast products addition
    • Now you can add Categories on the fly from product add/edit form

Update v1.1.2 – 6 October 13

  • option for visible price to logged clients only was added
  • solved problem on double slashes into url when the shop was uploaded into the hosting root
  • products search improved

Update v1.1.1 – 5 October 13

  • simple search and advanced search added
  • improvements on some functions to create a SEO friendly URL
  • solved minor bugs

Update v1.0.1 – 2 October 13

  • minor bugs fixed
  • some improvements

Initial release v1.0.0 – 30 September 13


  • Installation wizard
  • Real URL rewrite System (does not use php conventional system but it creates the files on the server)
  • SEO friendly
  • Infinite categories tree
  • Unlimited images for each product
  • Automatic filters for each category based on the attribute of products
  • Advanced serach in Control Panel for any tables
  • Additional Options and Tag system for each product
  • 3 different payement methods (PayPal IPN included)
  • and much much more…..

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