
Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder

Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder

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Extend WPBakery Page Builder and add more power to it!

This plugin adds several premium elements in your WPBakery Page Builder on top of the built-in ones given by WPBakery. Every single element in the package is crafted with utmost attention to details and a simple objective to provide you an ultimate experience. We’ve put a lot of time and care to ensure that all the elements are flexible so that they will open limitless possibilities for you, while maintaining simplicity at the core.

This plugin is the addon for WPBakery Page Builder

Addon Elements –

Icons – You can use this element to integrate a simple icon (font & image, both kinds) in your page and use it as you want. Or you can utilize WPBakery Page Builder grids and display a list of logos of your clients, partners, sponsors, etc.

Info Box – Perhaps, the most popular trend right now, Info Boxes truly make your website stand out helping you highlight the important things you have on offer.

Info List – Traditional HTML lists are boring, aren’t they? This elements simply re-imagines the lists. You may take an opportunity and utilize it’s cool design to show some process or simply highlight your most popular / related products, services & features.

Flip Box - This element combines the power of “Info Box” & “Call to Action” block altogether. On the front, it would look like a normal Info Box but as visitor hovers on the block, it flips with a cool CSS3 effect and shows a Call to Action section, provoking him to take a call.

Counter - Want to show your milestones, achievements and any other numeric statistics with animated numbers? This element will help!

Interactive Banner - Many times, image banners come in handy as they are very convenient and obvious way to deliver your message precisely. This element will display those image blocks in a nicer & interactive way.

Modal Popup Box – This is one of the very useful element that can go on any website. Create modal popup boxes and embed anything you wish inside the popup box through easy WYSIWYG editor.

Timeline – Display a timeline in a Facebook style or simply showcase your features, process or highlights little creatively. We have taken special efforts with custom JavaScript & CSS codes to make it as perfect as possible.

Extended Google Maps – WPBakery Page Builder comes with Google Maps element by default. But our Extended Googles Maps element uses latest APIs and allows you to do more with it. Upload marker images, write custom HTML in map info box and control everything that goes with map.

Row Backgrounds -

Creative backgrounds do truly set the tone for your website. So we offer you easy tools that will help you utilize them quickly.

Features –

Fixed Image Background
- Keeps the image fixed at it’s position while the other content moves on scroll.

Vertical & Horizontal Parallax
- The background moves at different speed & direction from your content on scroll.

Hover Parallax
- The background moves creatively with cursor movement.

Video Background -
- Plays a video in the background. Supports hosted as well as YouTube videos.

Multilayer Hover Parallax -
- Design a real 3D parallax. Go ahead – impress your users

While we believe the above six elements will benefit your site immediately, these are not really all!
We’re already working on few more elements that we look forward including in this plugin as we complete them. We want to make this plugin as an “ultimate” source for you to get most of the essential WPBakery Page Builder addon elements in one package.

The long wait has finally come to an end…Introducing, WordPress Icon Fonts Manager!

This project was originally started with a slightly different objective of developing a functionality that will help people use the Icon Fonts in their WordPress site easily. But then, we realized – providing just the Icon Fonts functionality wasn’t enough to make it go. There was a need to make Icon Fonts even more intuitive for normal WordPress users and that’s when we decided to develop several WPBakery Page Builder element that will make usage of Icon Fonts even easier. So – “Ultimate Addons For WPBakery Page Builder” is technically an extension of two things; firstly of our Icon Font Manager and secondly, the obvious one – WPBakery Page Builder

Features of the Icon Fonts Manager -

Customize Your Own Icon Fonts – We understand you don’t use all those hundreds of prebuilt unnecessary icons that come with any of those popular libraries like Font Awesome, Entypo, etc; but you care more about only the few ones that relate to your business more.

That’s why, we’ve made our Icon Fonts Manager very compatible with the famous IcoMoon’s APIs where you can create your own customize font by shortlisting your favorite icons from the choice of 2500+ icons! If those 2500+ icons still fall short, IcoMoon will still cover you with their amazing feature that helps you convert your SVG designs in the Icon Fonts.

Real Time Icon Search - Okay, many of us would like big numbers & more choices of icons, wouldn’t we? Though this choice is really very fancy, it certainly comes with a pain as we can’t easily find the icon that we are looking for when we need it. And that’s why we have integrated a real time search feature which can help you sort through all the Icon Fonts you have in your library very smartly.

More features on the way! As said earlier – Icon Fonts Manager is our individual, long term project; and we look forward adding more features in it with time such as integration with WordPress’s Menu, TinyMCE editor, etc. When these features will be developed – they will be provided in this plugin as well.

After working so hard on this plugin for last few weeks, we believe we have “nailed it”, and have come up with a truly essential solution that would benefit all the WPBakery Page Builder users. We fancy the Icon Fonts Manager part of this plugin very much as well and hope that you will love it as much as we do!

Minimum Requirements

  • WordPress 4.3 and above
  • WPBakery Page Builder 4.8 or great version (Latest version is advised)
  • If you have got WPBakery Page Builder as a part of your theme, ensure that Core WPBakery Page Builder plugin is not heavily modified

  • cURL must be enabled on your server



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