I'm David
I’m a full-stack developer and I work with the following technologies:
Front End: Javascript, jQuery, VueJS, AlpineJS, Livewire, HTML, CSS/CSS3, tailwindcss
Back End: Laravel, PHP, JAVA, MySQL, PostgreSQL and few more.
Mobile: Flutter
Support is free so you may contact me via email in the form at your right (just scroll a little bit or click here), I usually answer fast but it can take up to 48hours, specially on weekends (Support doesn’t include customizations or installations).
Extended Licenses
If you want to include one of my plugins in your commercial project, like a theme that you will sell in themeforest or in any other medium, then you need to purchase an extended license per theme or project and add a little link back to my plugin somewhere in your theme description
Some comparison between plugins
Media Boxes:
This is just a HTML, CSS, jQuery script, you add the images and the text for the caption and lightbox manually all with pure HTML markup! In that way you can add images from external urls and also you can use a programming language to create the HTML markup as PHP or Java if you want!
The Ultimate Grid Responsive Gallery is like the Media Boxes, but Media Boxes is faster, more powerful, multi-purpose and with tons of features and options. - Auto Grid Responsive Gallery: This plugin use PHP, and it automatically scans a folder of images in your server and add them to the grid, you don’t have to create the HTML markup for each image, you only drag and drop images into a folder and the plugin will read them automatically and it will add them to the grid! Also in this main folder you can create subfolders and inside place images and those will be the categories that appear at the top in the filter navigation bar! All is automatic, you don’t have to add any HTML markup for the images. (the text of the caption is the name of the images).
- Auto Albums – Multi Level Responsive Grid: This one works similar to the Auto Grid Responsive Gallery because it scans a folder in your server also, but in this one the folders are handled as albums and you can have infinite levels of albums (folder inside a folder inside a folder etc.) you don’t have a filter navigation bar at the top but you do have a navigation so you can go back in any level of your folders.